1000 Maps | 09 Aug, 2012 |
MX Moderators | (10 comments, 4840 views) |
Shoot Mania Exchange is now hosting 1000 maps, so we thought maybe now is a good moment to take a look at what has been uploaded. Below is a list of how many maps there are for each game mode... MapType HowMany RoyalArena 311 BattleArena 218 MeleeArena 169 EliteArena 75 JoustArena 46 JailbreakArena 45 SiegeArena 41 TimeAttackArena 37 He... Read More |
Welcome to blogs | 07 Jul, 2012 |
MX Moderators | (0 comments, 1590 views) |
Welcome to the blog area of the ShootMania Exchange site. Before we get started, we would like to make our ideas clear about what this area is for and how it should be used. Blogs are about comment and opinion, discussion and argument, exploring ideas or making observations, expressing concerns, questioning and even ranting if the mood fits. They can also be about simple entertainment, puzzles, or quiz, or fun items. They can be about styles of maps, about how or why to build maps, re... Read More |