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1000 Maps
1000 Maps 09 Aug, 2012
 MX Moderators (10 comments, 4909 views)  
Shoot ManiaExchange is now hosting 1000 maps, so we thought maybe now is a good moment to take a look at what has been uploaded.

Below is a list of how many maps there are for each game mode...

    MapType HowMany
    RoyalArena 311
    BattleArena 218
    MeleeArena 169
    EliteArena 75
    JoustArena 46
    JailbreakArena 45
    SiegeArena 41
    TimeAttackArena 37
    HeroesArena 36
    SpeedBallArena 21
    CTFArena 7
    TeamSurvivalArena 7
    TeamDeathmatchArena 7
    GoalHuntArena 4
    HideAndSeek 3
    InstantGibDM 1
    Dominion 1

Below is the distribution of overall ratings, obviosuly this distribution could change from day to day as different maps get rated.

    Rating HowMany
    5 3
    4.99 19
    4.98 48
    3.97 2
    3.96 6
    3.95 4
    3.94 19
    3.92 13
    3.89 34
    2.94 2
    2.93 1
    2.91 10
    2.87 20
    1.93 1
    1.9 9
    1 13
    Not Rated 825

And the lucky 1000th map is [Bad Track/Map Link]

Article posted by MrA
10 comment(s).
 TM Tube writes ... 12, Mar, 2016  
but you know if it's normal, we will have these passes, have mercy :o
 TM Tube writes ... 12, Mar, 2016  
Great Great :p
 eyebo writes ... 16, Aug, 2012  
Oh wow. Awesome! :o

Thanks for the clarification PapyChampy!
 PapyChampy writes ... 16, Aug, 2012  
Cuba»LT says:
1) Yay for the 1000 maps milestone
2) The 20000 maps promotion is indeed a bit strange. Maybe they count every single mapfile created?

Yeah, 20 000 is the total number of maps created in the editor by all players, and this is the number we took as a reference. :)
 eyebo writes ... 16, Aug, 2012  
From the official ManiaPlanet page on Google+:

... says:
It’s been an incredible ride since the beginning of the ShootMania alpha and beta, and today during the Ubisoft Press Conference taking place at GamesCom in Germany, we took a moment to look back at what YOU, the players, have achieved.

The Story Begins - ShootMania Storm

But this is just the beginning, and we have great plans for the development of ManiaPlanet, big news that will bring players of TrackMania and ShootMania from all around the world, together in their love of competitive gaming. We’re not quite ready to talk about it yet, but you can already set the date: in November of this year, during the ESWC competition in Paris, Nadeo will hold a press conference to tell you more about it.

In the meantime, we continue to work very hard on the development of ManiaPlanet and on taking over the world of competitive gaming and eSports with ShootMania and TrackMania. Lots of things are happening every week on ManiaPlanet, so watch this space, and don’t hesitate to share the spirit around you !

 Cuba writes ... 15, Aug, 2012  
1) Yay for the 1000 maps milestone
2) The 20000 maps promotion is indeed a bit strange. Maybe they count every single mapfile created?
 eyebo writes ... 15, Aug, 2012  
aww, 1000th map got deleted :(

Congrats tho ShootManiacs! Nice milestone! (y)

I'm curious though... this video suggests there are 20,000 maps. That would be true if you include TrackMania 2 Canyon.

But if you limited it to SM... even if you include the maps people have built and not uploaded to SMX, I find it hard to believe 20,000 SM maps have been created.

Canyon has been out a year and only recently hit 20,000 maps.

Perhaps the video is predicting the future of map making in SM. I could definitely see it becoming even more popular than TM2.

Also, thanks for sharing these stats. Very interesting to see the distribution of maps across different gamemodes.
 Mapbuilder writes ... 13, Aug, 2012  
Great ! (y)
 Forzyy writes ... 11, Aug, 2012  
First milestone. Well done! :cool:
 edge writes ... 10, Aug, 2012  
Argh....missed by 1 :o