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Welcome to blogs
Welcome to blogs 07 Jul, 2012
 MX Moderators (0 comments, 1645 views)  
Welcome to the blog area of the ShootMania Exchange site. Before we get started, we would like to make our ideas clear about what this area is for and how it should be used.

Blogs are about comment and opinion, discussion and argument, exploring ideas or making observations, expressing concerns, questioning and even ranting if the mood fits. They can also be about simple entertainment, puzzles, or quiz, or fun items. They can be about styles of maps, about how or why to build maps, reporting on community projects or events, or they can be lists of maps of a certain theme.

Or maybe they can talk about what makes a good map and what makes a bad map, they can be reviews or they be on subjects around the game like mediatracker, video making or graphics, or about any number of other things we have not said.

But they should not be about promotions of one self or ones own maps, so we are making a rule that posts which do the following will be removed from the blog...

o Here is my new map
o Here is a new contest using my new map
o I am leaving the site, or I have returned
o Blogs which find other ways to be against the spirit of this part of the site

There are places to do all of the above on the forums.

We hope this rule will make the blog section a richer a place and a place where you feel compelled to leave a comment because the auther moves you to make your ideas also heard.

So if you are creative minded, to make use of our blogging facility and make articles which the community will be happy to read and comment on. You can do many things here if you have the ideas.

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