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MrA's Maps
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MrA's Maps  
You may notice the same map name attached to each game mode. This does not mean the map is the same, it means the same 'heart of the map' was used as a basis. I modify the maps as much or as little as I want to for the game mode I am working for.

News will be posted at the bottom of this thread when updates are made to the files. This is to help anyone who happens to like a map enough to include it in their server playlist.

I will make more sections with ingame screenshots for each mode as and when I am able to take them

"Battle - FirePractice"
"Battle - Forgotten"
"Battle - Encounters"
"Battle - CageFight"
"Battle - DawnRaid"
"Battle - Badlands"
"Battle - Castlemania"
"Battle - CloserEncounters"
"Battle - FocalPoint"
"Battle - MiniDawnRaid"
"Battle - HillDefence"
"Battle - AirAttack"
"Battle - HillDefence II"
"Battle - LostBase"
"Battle - DawnRaid II"
"Battle - FightBack"
"Battle - CastleDefence"
"Battle - MiddleGrounds"
"Battle - HomeRun"
"Battle - MiniFightBack"
"Battle - LostGarden"
"Battle - FourWayRaid"
"Battle - CastleDefence II"
"Battle - CastleDefence III"
"Battle - Engaged"

"Elite - Forgotten"
"Elite - Castlemania"
"Elite - FocalPoint"
"Elite - MiniDawnRaid"
"Elite - HillDefence"
"Elite - Encounters"
"Elite - CageFight"
"Elite - Badlands"
"Elite - AirAttack"
"Elite - CastleDefence"
"Elite - CloserEncounters"
"Elite - HillDefence II"
"Elite - HomeRun"
"Elite - LostGarden"
"Elite - MiddleGrounds"
"Elite - CastleDefence III"
"Elite - Infiltration"
"Elite - Reinfiltration"
"Elite - Engaged"
"Elite - ReEngaged"
"Elite - FightBack"
"Elite - Psygnosis - MMC"
"Elite - Reaction"
"Elite - Stonersville"
"Elite - PortDefence"

"Heroes - AirAttack"
"Heroes - Badlands"
"Heroes - CageFight"
"Heroes - Castlemania"
"Heroes - CloserEncounters"
"Heroes - DawnRaid II"
"Heroes - Encounters"
"Heroes - FirePractice"
"Heroes - FocalPoint"
"Heroes - Forgotten"
"Heroes - HillDefence"
"Heroes - MiniDawnRaid"
"Heroes - CastleDefence"
"Heroes - MiddleGrounds"
"Heroes - LostGarden"
"Heroes - HomeRun"
"Heroes - HillDefence II"
"Heroes - CastleDefence III"
"Heroes - Infiltration"
"Heroes - Reinfiltration"
"Heroes - Engaged"
"Heroes - ReEngaged"
"Heroes - FightBack"
"Heroes - Reaction"
"Heroes - Psygnosis"
"Heroes - PortDefence"
"Heroes - Stonersville"

"TeamSurvival - CageFight"
"TeamSurvival - FirePractice"
"TeamSurvival - AirAttack"
"TeamSurvival - MiniDawnRaid"
"TeamSurvival - FocalPoint"
"TeamSurvival - Encounters"

"Speedball - ForgottenAgain"
"Speedball - Engaged"
"Speedball - CageFight"
"Speedball - AirAttack"
"Speedball - HillDefence"
"Speedball - FightBack"
"Speedball - HillDefence II"
"Speedball - CloserEncounters"
"Speedball - CastleDefence II"
"Speedball - Reaction"
"Speedball - PortDefence"
Last edited by MrA,
Pole Dancer
Location: GB
I have uploaded six maps for TeamSurvival. This is a custom mode created by Vaalerian.

Some details on the mode....

"Vaalerian about TeamSurvival" says:
I thought Shoot Mania was lacking of a simple team mode, and i used to like playing the kind of team FPS like Counter Strike, so i decided to make this mode : Team Survival.

- There are two teams.
- The goal is to eliminate all the players of the opposing team.
- You do not respawn upon elimination, and must wait for the end of the round.
- If the round timer ends, the team with most players alive wins.
- during the first 30 seconds of a round you are respawned if you change team or join the game.
Last edited by MrA,
Pole Dancer
Location: GB
The following two maps have been updated.

"Battle - Forgotten"
"Battle - Badlands"
Pole Dancer
Location: GB
All the battle maps have been updated to new versions since the release of beta1. Some of them have quite extensive updates, while a few are mainly just recaclulation of lightmaps/shadows.
Pole Dancer
Location: GB
The following maps updated today with new versions...

"Battle - HillDefence"
"Battle - Forgotten"
"Battle - DawnRaid"
"Battle - Castlemania"
"Battle - HillDefence"
Pole Dancer
Location: GB
Started uploading elite maps
"Elite - Forgotten"
"Elite - Castlemania"

New battle map
"Battle - HillDefence II"

More Updated
"Battle - Forgotten"
"Battle - AirAttack"
"Battle - HillDefence II"
Last edited by MrA,
Pole Dancer
Location: GB
Uploaded more elite maps...

"Elite - FocalPoint"
"Elite - MiniDawnRaid"
"Elite - HillDefence"
"Elite - Encounters"
"Elite - CageFight"
"Elite - Badlands"
"Elite - AirAttack"

If you use these maps then please check back somimes to see if they have been updated, as its highly likely they will be as I do more and more play testing.
Last edited by MrA,
Pole Dancer
Location: GB
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