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MrA's Maps
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New Battle Maps
"Battle - LostGarden"
"Battle - FourWayRaid"
"Battle - CastleDefence II"
"Battle - CastleDefence III"

Updated Battle Maps
"Battle - FirePractice"
"Battle - Forgotten"
"Battle - Encounters"
"Battle - CageFight"
"Battle - DawnRaid"
"Battle - Badlands"
"Battle - Castlemania"
"Battle - CloserEncounters"
"Battle - FocalPoint"
"Battle - HillDefence"
"Battle - AirAttack"
"Battle - HillDefence II"
"Battle - LostBase"
"Battle - DawnRaid II"
"Battle - FightBack"
"Battle - CastleDefence"
"Battle - MiddleGrounds"
"Battle - HomeRun"
"Battle - MiniFightBack"

The only battle map I did not yet update at all is MiniDawnRaid, all the others are updated in some way or another. It is worth getting the latest version if you host any of these on your server.

Last edited by MrA,
Pole Dancer
Location: GB
All the elite maps have had updates, quite often these have been significant. I have used the new water mood quite often to contain the play area by turning the map into an island. This seems to work quite well. I have allowed some of the maps to have checkpoint pieces and at least one map has 2 goals.

New Elite
"Elite - CastleDefence III"

Updated Elite
"Elite - Forgotten"
"Elite - Castlemania"
"Elite - FocalPoint"
"Elite - MiniDawnRaid"
"Elite - HillDefence"
"Elite - Encounters"
"Elite - CageFight"
"Elite - Badlands"
"Elite - AirAttack"
"Elite - CastleDefence"
"Elite - CloserEncounters"
"Elite - HillDefence II"
"Elite - HomeRun"
"Elite - LostGarden"
"Elite - MiddleGrounds"
Last edited by MrA,
Pole Dancer
Location: GB
Some updates after play testing. The 'Middle Grounds' update is the most interesting, as it adds a large off zone area in the middle of the map. Time will tell if this is a good or a bad update.

Updated Elite
"Elite - CageFight"
"Elite - CloserEncounters"
"Elite - HomeRun"
"Elite - MiddleGrounds"
Last edited by MrA,
Pole Dancer
Location: GB
A couple of updates after more time playing and understanding...

Updated Elite
"Elite - AirAttack"
"Elite - CloserEncounters"
Last edited by MrA,
Pole Dancer
Location: GB
Some updates. For the Heroes maps, they were so out dated in relation to the updates to ShootMania, that it would take too much time to begin updating each one, so I have converted the Elite versions, which have been updated a lot since Beta 3.1 of Shootmania.

Updated Elite
"Elite - Forgotten"
"Elite - CageFight"

Updated Battle
"Battle - Forgotten"
"Battle - MiddleGrounds"

Updated Heroes
"Heroes - MiniDawnRaid"
"Heroes - AirAttack"
"Heroes - Badlands"
"Heroes - CageFight"
"Heroes - CastleDefence"
"Heroes - HillDefence"
"Heroes - Forgotten"
"Heroes - FocalPoint"
"Heroes - Encounters"
"Heroes - CloserEncounters"
"Heroes - Castlemania"

New Heroes Maps
"Heroes - MiddleGrounds"
"Heroes - LostGarden"
"Heroes - HomeRun"
"Heroes - HillDefence II"
"Heroes - CastleDefence III"


Last edited by MrA,
Pole Dancer
Location: GB
Some modifications after more play testing...

Elite Updates
"Elite - HomeRun"
"Elite - MiniDawnRaid"
"Elite - LostGarden"

Below are new 'pairs' of Elite maps, they are a pair because they are two versions of the same base maps, modified in each case to accommodate alternative spawn and goal locations.

New Elite Pair Of Maps
"Elite - Infiltration"
"Elite - Reinfiltration"

New Elite Pair Of Maps
"Elite - Engaged"
"Elite - ReEngaged"

Updated Pack

Pole Dancer
Location: GB
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