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MrA's Maps
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Elite Updates
"Elite - Encounters"
"Elite - MiniDawnRaid"

Battle Updates
"Battle - Encounters"

New Battle Uploads
"Battle - LostBase"
"Battle - DawnRaid II"
"Battle - FightBack"

Hereos Uploads
"Heroes - AirAttack"
"Heroes - Badlands"
"Heroes - CageFight"
"Heroes - Castlemania"
"Heroes - CloserEncounters"
"Heroes - DawnRaid II"
"Heroes - Encounters"
"Heroes - FirePractice"
"Heroes - FocalPoint"
"Heroes - Forgotten"
"Heroes - HillDefence"
"Heroes - MiniDawnRaid"

The heroes maps in particular are most likely to be updated as I make changes specific for the mode. Its hard to know exactly what works best on each map without extensive play time.
Last edited by MrA,
Pole Dancer
Location: GB
New battle map
"Battle - CastleDefence"

Updated battle map
"Battle - FightBack"
Last edited by MrA,
Pole Dancer
Location: GB
Pole Dancer
Location: GB
Battle Updates
"Battle - CloserEncounters"

New CastleDefence Versions
"Elite - CastleDefence"
"Heroes - CastleDefence"

Here some images from this map, as I thought it looked very nice..

Last edited by MrA,
Pole Dancer
Location: GB
Just one update today

Battle Updates
"Battle - AirAttack"
Pole Dancer
Location: GB
Pole Dancer
Location: GB
Just 1 new map, play tested at the weekend.

New Battle map
"Battle - HomeRun"
Pole Dancer
Location: GB
Just one new map today....

New Battle Maps
"Battle - MiniFightBack"
Pole Dancer
Location: GB
"Battle - FocalPoint"

Quite an extensive update of this map, with new routes and options.
Pole Dancer
Location: GB
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