oh look a ctf map! also from last year, although i made some big changes to it recently to make it larger and more interesting
update 1.1:
- fixed some exploits which allowed you to escape the map
- cleaned up middle area, fixed killzone in the pit
- added new way to go from the bottom layer to the top one
- removed access from spawn to healers next to the flag to simplify the area a bit
update 1.2:
- cleared out mid a bit more
- added connector from spawn to healers again
- replaced pillars in mid with wooden platforms that will make taking the boosters smoother and are less bulky
- general changes to make movement a bit smoother hopefully
update 1.3:
- simplified flag area by downsizing one of the alternative routes and removing direct access to spawn from it
- added new boost pad thingy for easier access to the top level from the bottom one.