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Offering a word up.
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Offering a word up.  
A word of thought to share,

An quick hello and a lengthly discussion..

In the mention of the recent July MCC, (I also submitted a map).. I know there is plenty being made for SMX and being uploaded.. and are also continuously being requested to the fill up server lists... So I believe it would be good to see a few more submissions for projects and a few more idea's for contests, this will help to keep the trends going and meanwhile encourage others enjoy the game, like we all do.

Word up.. its unbeatable, its your favorite record.

This is just a beginning here.

Seriously, I know, its almost like easy build a badly placed a map and go rather than take the time to build it right. This was similar to how alot of TM track building was like. No real design fill, just a sketchy design, like there it's built.. Even though I like the simple designed, (I dislike no scenery) yet well good put together, I would rather see you put some real effort into it, than.. scrap. Reminder: always go back and rebuild a map.. make it better.

So what if I takes a month, release something that required a little thought.. its a good game after all and offers a lot of potential, and also even if you see a draft design, take it a step forward and come up with something else new, yet make sure if you get permission first, it is always polite and nice, or if ignored.. (just how some people are) just completely change it up to fit how you saw it, least you got to build it extensively unique.

And for a bonus, you get noticed for effort!

A word of pace.. ease it up a bit, slow it down, maybe you had ideas and they "came an went". So work on an project for a future outlook, something that lets you release frustration, rather then pent up an expression. I hope to look forward to the work (fun) being done, and much more time spent in building a community and allow others to grow building techniques that are beneficial to all games alike.

Peace, Kadaz.

Ps.. there was lot of good happening over at TMX, and thanks to the moderators, that good help is to maintain the community.. this post is mainly projected towards those that are a little let-down in trying to build something and to encourage those.. make a screen of a nice snapshot, like a camera flash of the freshly cut lawn surrounded by a month long strongly built fence, to than no screenie at all, or even make no mention of why you built the map, oh comon.

A release is like just not a hare out of the rabbit hole, yet like a squirrel building a home out of a tree.

:d Enjoy the game, have fun, allow it be good for all, and share a good laugh.
Last edited by kadaz,
Sir Knight
Location: CA
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