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New game mode ideas
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New game mode ideas  
Triple-team battle:
Just like battle with 2 teams, the teams try to take over the goals, and defend their own.
But here there are 3 teams instead of 2.
So 3 spawns needed, and at least 3 poles (one for each).

Quadro-team battle:
A battle scenario like above but then with 4 teams.

I saw a "sabotage mode" on maniapark, but I think this is little different.
So 2 teams, at least 1 pole for each team.
You need to plant a "bomb" on the enemies goal, to plant a bomb stand 5 seconds on their pole.
If the bomb is planted a 30 second timer starts.
The other team needs to defuse the pole in those 30 seconds, they need to stand 5 seconds on the pole to defuse it.
If the bomb is defused the pole is normal again, and can be bombed again.
If the bomb explodes the pole is out. If all your poles are out, your team has lost

The match starts as a free for all, but one player is given super-powers.
Super-power can be for example: double health, double rate of reload, laser,...
Or more of these at once or one power chosen randomly.
The juggernaut is made visible with a floating "juggernaut" text above him. If you spawn as the juggernaut, it should say: You're the juggernaut, at your spawn.
As a free for all you can kill everyone and get points like that, but when you kill the juggernaut you get bonus points (+5,10?)
If the juggernaut is killed a new player will become the juggernaut.
Chosen randomly out of the 5 next players who spawn.

A question for the super-powers: is it possible to make a player invisible? like when he stands still and runs he is invisible, but when he shoots he reveals himself. (if there is a juggernaut sign above him, that will make him vurnalbe)

Knife Fight:
This is a free for all, where the rockets do very little damage. (Give everyone 10 or 20 healthbars)
So you need to be shot alot of times to die.
Because its a knife fight, when you collide with another player, the player with the least health dies instantly.
Last edited by PyroBillie,
FPS Learner
Location: BE
Action IMPACT!  
Whoa, thats some script to write.. if I were to have a thought about one.

For instance, I really like team maps.. so a TEAM DM match yet in a combo setting.. so I can place items around the map.. and the players can play it all out... now what would be interesting if it could also include pole capture?

Can some one do this, with multiple team spawns too, because combo is just limited to two, from what I have seen...

Or do I like got to read up about scripting code, and just how long would that take? Someone reply to me?

I would like to have it called like SMC-Team.CTF or SMC-Team.TDM

IE ShootMania Combo CTF/TDM or come up with something else.

:d :d Or to make is simple for the time being, enable all the weapons, and when a weapon runs out, everyone can just switch to the other weapon, and that switched off weapon has to be active to reload, yes/no? This is to have the your main weapons reloading while your shooting with the other ones or that could make it so.. a weapon station to reload, except for the default one, of course, or no? I like to think so..

This is good for like combo switching weapons and makes the game a whole lot more fun... add that to ctf or tdm or even melee. Also increase Armor to 3 or maybe 4.. and healing to half time.. and a quarter more boost of stamina.. that would make it excellent! And oh.. last thought, make the rail only a take double hit armor.. oh wheres an health bar..
Last edited by kadaz,
Sir Knight
Location: CA
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