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 Combo - Pocket 2

by  Yoyoshi +1
 Storm / StormMan   |   Intermediate 
ID  27445 
 Visible (approved) |  Released 
 Yoyoshi — Builder
 ziyx — Builder
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 Author Comments
Coop mapping ^^

- movement improvements
- map is smoother
- way from Rail to DA opened
- a lot of details

Quality of life changes:
- new teleporter with no collisions
- fixed a roof that didn't have the right texture
- added custom signs
- modified one edge to make the wall jump easier (coordinates: 24 - 12 - 9)
- made the arrow aread with clean items to avoid annoying collisions
 Embedded objects18 Objects
Object IX? Object author
Block132.Block.Gbx cime62
Block17.Block.Gbx cime62
Block76.Block.Gbx cime62
Block77.Block.Gbx cime62
Block79.Block.Gbx cime62
Item11.Item.Gbx cime62
Item210.Item.Gbx cime62
Item9.Item.Gbx cime62
InvisibleBox1.Item.gbx TGYoshi
InvisibleBox2.Item.gbx TGYoshi
100x100.Item.gbx Aurel
edge1.Item.Gbx janfo
triangular edge2.Item.Gbx janfo
wall8.Item.Gbx cime62
triangular2.Item.Gbx cime62
OrangeSoft#01d8i1.Item.gbx Aurel
CastleBorderRuinStraighLowered.Block.Gbx cartoonlink
SpawnNoGroundAround.Item.Gbx aurelamck
 4 / 18 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
Online map rating
Rated 3.00 stars by 7 players.