?Siege - Kobánya-Kispest Railway Station

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Map Information
Type Siege Map Type SiegeV2Arena
Environment Storm Titlepack SMStorm
Vehicle StormMan Game ManiaPlanet
Routes Single
Mood Day (48x48) Base Size X: 48 Y: 40 Z: 48
In-game Name Siege - Kőbánya-Kispest Railway Station
Display Cost 14,777
File & Items Size 772 / 2 KB
Author Comments
Inspired by my beloved transportation hub, I started my journey to school and work for many many years. Gate of Hungary, if you arrive to the airport, this is the nearest metro station where bus number 200E brings you. Ehm... not the best country gate ever... The whole station wasn't renovated like 30 years, then they built a mall and a new bus station, because why not build a new mall when there is an other one within 1 km.

It is at the meeting of two districts of Budapest, Kobánya (Stone Mine) and Kispest (Little Pest - the word "pest" doesn't have the same meaning as in English), with meeting of two transportation systems, city transport and railways. The bus station got renovated with the mall, but the railway's part is exactly looks like in the 80's. Sometimes an escalator goes wrong, then the two companies (city transport and railways) have a quarrel about who' job is to mend it, so for some weeks, that escalator is closed. You know what an escalator is, right? A moving staircase so if it goes wrong, it is still usable as a normal staircase. Haha, not in Hungary! They say the evil passengers will worse it even more!

About the map at last: I didn't built the bus station part and tried to actualize to shootmania-stlye, so this is why it is an "inspired" map and not a "copied". But hey, what are the chances if someone playing this have ever been there? But if you are ever going there, please don't shoot people.

CP1 is on the 1st and 2nd platforms.
CP2 is on the 4th and 5th platforms (there is no platform 3 at all irl).
CP3 is on the 8th platform and the railways ticket center where in summer there are at least 2000 °C and no air movement.
CP4 is at the first store at the left, gates are on the ground floor and the first floor, checkpoint itself is on the first floor.
CP5 is on the middle range of the mall, you can use both ground floor and first floor.
CP6 is on the first floor store on the other side.
CP7 is on the ground floor store beneath the previous - watch out, a bit tricky!
CP8 is the metro station, at the other exit of the mall. Then you have to go back to the 8th platform (CP3) where is the Final Goal.

(yes, I spent more time with mapmaking than with writing this. A bit)
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