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by  tango1266 
 Storm / StormMan   |   Advanced 
ID  3806 
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About the map:
SimultArena2 in v.0.91 is a simplification of the SimultArena idea. SimultArena1 has for instance an offzone in the gap underneath the runpads. After a while of testing I realized that it is too challenging for most of players who come into my ingame server. Furthermore the average matchtime was too long.
The map is partitioned in to halfs. Start area and fight area.
On the one hand the start area slows the speed of the gameplay and a match takes longer. On the other hand it is a nice tactic element to go in the tunnel to use the ballgun.

My intension with all my maps are always the same: I'd like to create maps which are quite challenging in all affairs by using everything what Smania offers like jumppads, slids, swings, runpads in one map.
Of course I won't use something if it doesn't make sense.

Most maps I've played have similar gameplay like run, move and shoot sometimes jump. Everything focused mostly on Aiming skill but I wanna combine different skills.

Becaus of my intension, keep in mind to get used to the map and use all ur shooter experience while playing my maps. I'm sure, if you give my maps some time, you will have a lot of fun playing.

Furthermore keep in mind that I won't do big maps in near future.
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